There are many dedicated skiers found in and around Banff and their blogs can often be used to chase good snow, know where the snow isn’t worth chasing or for trip ideas. If you know of a worth while blog that has Banff area content please contact us via the contact page.
Backcountry YYC Facebook Group
If you can ignore all the chirping, this group can provide some insight on current conditions and what people have been skiing in the greater area.
Mountain Conditions Report
Reports from ACMG guides.
Vern Dewit’s never ending collection of mountain pictures, stories and information.
Story of a Ski Tour
Story driven backcountry skiing content based in the Bow Valley.
Matt Ruta
Living in Golden BC and skiing everything possible, including plenty of gnarly lines in the Banff area.
Backcountry Beta
Online guidebook site which includes a growing number of options in and around Banff.
Perpetual Ski
The blog of the late Trevor Sexsmith who skied lines in the Rockies which few thought possible.
Alpine Journals
Adventure blog by Jonny & Jolene which includes a growing list of Banff area tours.
Confessions Of A Ski Bum
Written by Marcus Baranow, guidebook author and dedicated Rockies backcountry skier living in Lake Louise.